
From CyberMed


Active Projects

Past Projects

  • Exploiting the Dynamically Architectural Configurability for Compressed Sensing (2015-2017, funded by NSF)
  • Emerging Neuromorphic Computing and Its Applications in Autonomous Target Tracking and Navigation (2013-2017, funded by AFOSR and AFRL)
  • Human Performance Monitor (HPM): Electronics and Sensor Platforms (2014-2018, funded by NBMC/AFRL Phase I and Phase II)
  • Smart Energy Harvesting from Human Breathing for Wearable Body Sensors (2015-2016, funded by BU TAE)
  • Southern Tier Telemedicine and Mobile Health Research, Development, and Training Center (2014-2017, funded by NYS STREDC)
  • Developing a Fall Prevention and Alerting System for Nursing Homes (2014-2015, funded by BU TAE)
  • Research in Testing In Assembly of Complex Surface Mount Devices (2015-2016, funded by Smart Modular Technologies, Inc.)
  • Mobile-based Smart Service Platform for Personalized and Adaptive Learning (2014-2015, funded by BU TAE)
  • Electrical Design, Characterization, and Thermal Modeling of Selected Electrical Packages (2014-2015, funded by Analog Devices, Inc.)
  • Smart and Connected Health in a Mobile-Cloud Environment (2014-2015, funded by Xerox Research)
  • Wearable Mind-/Eye-Controlled Cognitive Human-Computer Interaction (2013-2014, funded by BU TAE)
  • SmartLoc: Indoor Localization in Wireless Sensor Network for Assistive Health (2011-2013)
  • ILLIMED: An Integrated, Reconfigurable and Reliable Medical Monitoring and Diagnostic Platform (2010-2012)
  • ARANN: Autonomously Reconfigurable Artificial Neural Network on a Chip (2009-2010)
  • HeartToGo: A Mobile Platform for Continuous Real-Time Monitoring and Automatic Detection of Cardiovascular Disease (2008-2010)
