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From CyberMed

Cyber-Med Laboratory

The Cyber-Med Lab consists of Prof. Zhanpeng Jin and a group of intelligent students in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY). Our research activities encompass high interdisciplinary topics, with a particular focus on how to promote the quality and efficiency of healthcare using cutting-edge computing technologies, as well as how to discover new computing paradigms leveraging biologically inspired concepts.


  • [August 2023] Muhammad has another two papers being accepted by two prestigious journals consecutively: IEEE IoT-J and T-IV. Bravo!
  • [July 2023] Dr. Jin was invited to serve as an expert witness for a legal case in the earphone industry.
  • [July 2023] Congratulations to Seokmin and Jiyang, whose "VibPath" and "SignRing" works are accepted by IMWUT.
  • [June 2023] Congratulations to Yincheng, who will join Binghamton University this fall! BU is a wonderful and friendly place to work.
  • [May 2023] Congratulations to Muhammad, who has another paper accepted by IEEE Network Magazine!
  • [April 2023] Yincheng's paper "SmartASL" is accepted by IMWUT.
  • [March 2023] Yincheng and Seokmin's two papers: "TransASL" and "EarPPG" were presented at IUI'2023.
  • [November 2022] Muhammad has two papers accepted by IEEE Sensors J. and IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.
  • [August 2022] Welcome Muhammad Adil to join our group as a new Ph.D. student in Fall 2022.
  • [May 2022] Two undergraduate students, Se Jun Kim (UB) and Jerry Xiao (CWRU), join the group as REU research assistants.
  • [April 2022] Two recent studies led by Yincheng and Seokmin were accepted by IMWUT.
  • [March 2022] The "EarHealth" work led by Yincheng was accepted by MobiSys'22.
  • [February 2022] The story of the SonicASL project winning the inaugural Agrusa Competition is online. Congratulations to the team again!
  • [January 2022] Dr. Jin starts to serve as the Associate Editor of Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies.
  • [December 2021] The SonicASL project won the First-Place Award of the inaugural Russell Agrusa CSE Student Innovation Competition. Such an amazing job and congratulations to the entire team (Yincheng Jin, Yang Gao, Jiyang Li, and Seokmin Choi)!
  • [December 2021] Dr. Yang Gao receives the 2021 Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award of the CSE Department. Congratulations, Yang!
  • [September 2021] Dr. Jin received the 2021 IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation (Academic) Award.
  • [September 2021] Wei joins Samsung Research America (SRA) as a Senior Researcher. Congratulations, Wei!
  • [August 2021] Dr. Jin was invited to serve in the IEEE Senior Member Review Panel.
  • [July 2021] Dr. Jin was invited to serve as the Associate Editor of ACM Computing Surveys.
  • [June 2021] Yincheng and Yang have proposed a new user-friendly approach to promote and facilitate the communications between sign language users and hearing people. The technology, so-called "SonicASL," has been published on ACM IMWUT.
  • [April 2021] Our lab alumna, Dr. Mavi V. Ruiz-Blondet, has been pursuing her dream in applied cognitive neuroscience and working on a fantastic product at Neurable, Inc. (a Boston startup company). They just released the milestone brainwave-reading headphones. (Read More) Congratulations, Mavi!
  • [April 2021] "ThermoTag" technique has gained more attention in the community: 3Dnatives, Science Daily, Eureka!, 3D Printing Industry, GlobalSpec, The Hack Posts,
  • [April 2021] The fingerprint of 3D printers, named "ThermoTag," will help trace back to the origin of 3D-printed items and fight against the illicit use of 3D printers. A story of this study can be found on the UB website. (Read More)
  • [March 2021] An NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site: Frontier Technologies in Biometrics and Authentication is established at the University at Buffalo, led by Prof. Wenyao Xu and Prof. Zhanpeng Jin.
  • [March 2021] The EarEcho work was highlighted in the article Wearables - Fashion With a Purpose: A new generation of wearable devices uses signal processing to make life easier, healthier, and more secure, by John Edwards on the IEEE Signal Processing Magzine (vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 15-17, March 2021).
  • [March 2021] A new hardware fingerprinting approach for 3D printers will be published by IEEE Transactions on Information Security and Forensics (TIFS).
  • [January 2021] A new enhanced earphone-based authentication technique proposed by Yang Gao, leveraging the unique voice conduction in the body is accepted by ACM IMWUT.
  • [December 2020] Prof. Jin started to serve as the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
  • [December 2020] Another nice survey paper on "heart biometrics" led by Aditya Singh Rathore has been published on ACM Computing Surveys.
  • [September 2020] Our new smartphone-based silent speech recognition technique, EchoWhisper, was presented in the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'20).
  • [September 2020] The EarEcho work was selected as the Distinguished Paper Award nominee in the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'20).
  • [August 2020] Congratulations to Dr. Borui Li and Dr. Omkar Patil, who successfully defended their dissertations!
  • [July 2020] The study of using the smartwatch along with your daily keyboard typing and mouse clicking to achieve seamless continuous authentication, Wrist in Motion, was published on IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science.
  • [December 2019] The EarEcho work appeared in the list of UB stories heard around the world in 2019.
  • [September 2019] Our new wearable authentication technique, EarEcho, was presented in the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp). This research has been reported by ScienceDaily, Naked Security, CISOMAG, Sky, New Atlas, Idea Connection, Digital Trends, Tech Xplore, Foss Bytes, Gulf News, GIZMODO, and many others.
  • [September 2019] Seokmin Choi joined our group as a new Ph.D. student!
  • [May 2019] We welcome two summer interns, Manas Bedmutha and Kratika Bhagtani, both of whom are undergraduate students from IIT Gandhinagar in India.
  • [September 2018] Welcome our new Ph.D. students: Jiyang Li and Yincheng Jin!
  • [February 2018] Congratulations to Dr. Xiaoliang Wang for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation. Xiaoliang is going to join Virginia State University as an Assistant Professor.
  • [January 2018] Cyber-Med Lab moved to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo (SUNY-Buffalo).
Old News
  • [April 2017] Prof. Jin receives the inaugural Watson School Recognition Award for Early-Stage Distinguished Research, which is given in recognition of significant accomplishments in research for a faculty member at the early stage of their career.
  • [February 2017] The paper "A Tempo-spatial Compressed Sensing Architecture for Efficient High-throughput Information Acquisition in Organs-on-a-chip," co-authored by Prof. Wenyao Xu (CSE, SUNY-Buffalo), Prof. Ruogang Zhao (BME, SUNY-Buffalo), and Prof. Jin, won the Best Paper Award (1st Place) in BHI 2017.
  • [February 2017] Congratulations to Dr. Qiong Gui for successfully defending her Ph.D. dissertation. Well done!
  • [January 2017] Prof. Jin has been interviewed by Digital Trends, Health Data Management, Motherboard, PCWorld, and Smithsonian Magazine.
  • [January 2017] A collaborative research by the groups of Prof. Linke Guo and Prof. Jin (with two main student contributors Pei Huang and Borui Li), which explored and developed a new ECG-based biometric approach to secure the electronic health records (EHRs) with less encryption cost for emerging mobile health, was published and presented in IEEE GLOBECOM 2016. This research has been extensively reported by ACM, Biometric Update, Bleeping Computing, Daily Mail, ETHealthworld, HealthCareBusiness, IEEE GlobalSpec, Innovation Toronto, iTech Post, labroots, Madison, Medical Bag, MedicineNet, mental_floss, Mogaz News, Newswise, SecureWorld, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Christian Post, TheHealthSite, UPI, U.S. News, and many other media outlets.
  • [January 2017] The paper "Towards Scalable and Efficient GPU-Enabled Slicing Acceleration for Continuous 3D Printing," co-authored by Prof. Wenyao Xu (SUNY-Buffalo), Prof. Chi Zhou (SUNY-Buffalo), and Prof. Jin, was nominated as the Best Paper Candidate in ASP-DAC 2017.
  • [January 2017] Prof. Jin attended the NSF Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Principal Investigators' Meeting (SaTC PI Meeting) in Crystal City, VA.
  • [September 2016] Prof. Jin is appointed to serve on the Steering Committee for the Health Sciences Transdisciplinary Areas of Excellence (TAE), one of the five TAEs at Binghamton University.
  • [September 2016] Prof. Jin becomes the Associate Editor of the journal of BioMedical Engineering Online, an open access, peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated to publishing research in all areas of biomedical engineering.
  • [August 2016] Prof. Jin (PI), along with Prof. Sarah Laszlo (Psychology) and Prof. Wenyao Xu (SUNY-Buffalo), secure another NSF grant, in the total amount of $1.2 million, to investigate "Brain Hacking: Assessing Psychological and Computational Vulnerabilities in Brain-based Biometrics." [NSF].
  • [April 2016] Prof. Jin (PI), collaborating with Prof. Linke Guo (ECE) and Prof. Gary D. James (Anthropology & Nursing), wins a Binghamton University Interdisciplinary Collaboration Grants (ICG) grant.
  • [April 2016] The Brainprint research and its recent progress published on IEEE TIFS have been reported by Yahoo Finance, Popular Mechanics, IFL Science, Science Newsline, Newsweek, Wired UK, Neuroscience News,Information Society, Science Daily, Research & Development, Motherboard, The Economic Times, NDTV, Daily Mail, LSWN.IT, Pakistan Today, The Times of India, and Techradar India.
  • [April 2016] CyberMed group hosts visitors from AFRL, VIT (Pune, India), and GE Global Research Center.
  • [April 2016] The Brainprint research is featured on NSF Discoveries "Neuroscience research into dyslexia leads to 'brainprints'."
  • [March 2016] Prof. Jin receives a research grant from the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), entitled "A Holistic Approach to Understanding and Benchmarking of Cognitive and Architectural Characteristics for Neuromorphic Architectures."
  • [February 2016] Prof. Jin is interviewed by Regarding ID's Gina Jordan about the research of brainprinting: "Brainprint for logical, digital identity" on SecureIDNews.
  • [February 2016] Prof. Jin becomes the Associate Editor of the Elsevier journal of Computers in Biology and Medicine.
  • [November 2015] The Brainprint research is featured on BU Magazine "Your brain is your key".
  • [November 2015] Prof. Jin gave an Invited Talk at University of Pittsburgh and Temple University.
  • [October 2015] Our "brainprint" technology has been named as one of the "Future technology: 22 ideas about to change our world."
  • [September 2015] Prof. Jin receives an NSF EAGER grant, entitled "EAGER-DynamicData: Exploiting the Dynamically Architectural Configurability for Compressed Sensing"[NSF].
  • [September 2015] BU researchers, led by Dr. James Turner (PI) and Drs. Steve Czarnecki, Kanad Ghose, Mark Polis, and Zhanpeng Jin (co-PIs), have won a $854,300 grant (plus $854,300 cost share) awarded by Nano-Bio Manufacturing Consortium (NBMC) to develop the wearable human performance monitoring sensor using flexible electronics.
  • [August 2015] Prof. Jin, Prof. Laszlo and their research on brain biometric are featured on BU Research Video series [YouTube video].
  • [June 2015] The "Brainprint" project, led by Prof. Zhanpeng Jin and Prof. Sarah Laszlo, has recently attracted dramatic attention from the community and been reported by many media outlets, such as [CNBC], [NDTV Gadgets], [The Engineer], [gizmag], [AAAS EurekAlert!], [naked security], [Tech Times], [Business Standard], [Communications of the ACM], [SUNY], and [BU Pipe Dream]. Prof. Jin also received interviews from WBNG [video] and Deutschlandfunk (a German public broadcasting radio station) [audio].
  • [May 2015] Prof. Jin (co-PI) has started a new project (PI: Prof. Krishnaswami Srihari) with the Smart Modular Technologies, a global leader in specialty memory solutions, in the area of testing and reliability enhancement of high-capacity SSDs.
  • [May 2015] Prof. Jin (co-PI), collaborating with Prof. Shahrzad Towfighian (ME), wins a Binghamton University Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence (TAE) -- Smart Energy seed grant.
  • [April 2015] A big congratulations to Omkar Patil (BME), a MS student in our group, for winning the award in Graduate Student Poster Competition for his work in non-contact assessment of stress levels using a camera.
  • [April 2015] Prof. Jin receives the Outstanding Faculty Researcher Award of the ECE department.
  • [April 2015] Prof. Jin receives the "Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP)" award.
  • [March 2015] Prof. Jin visits Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) in Wilmington, MA for a collaborative research project.
  • [March 2015] Prof. Jin (PI), collaborating with Prof. Sarah Laszlo (Psychology), wins a Binghamton University Interdisciplinary Collaboration Grants (ICG) grant.
  • [March 2015] Prof. Jin attends and presents two papers in IEEE ISBA'15, in Hong Kong, China.
  • [March 2015] Prof. Jin is featured on BU video series "Beyond the Classroom" [YouTube video].
  • [January 2015] Prof. Jin visits and gives talks in Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an, China), Xi'an Jiaotong University (Xi'an, China), Maharashtra Institute of Technology (Pune, India), and Vishwakarma Institute of Technology (Pune, India).
  • [January 2015] Prof. Jin attends the NSF SaTC PI Meeting in Arlington, VA.
  • [December 2014] Qiong Gui and Prof. Jin attend and present two papers in IEEE SPMB'15, in Philadelphia, PA.
  • [August 2014] Prof. Jin (co-PI), along with Prof. Krishnaswami Srihari (SSIE), have established a new collaboration with Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) in the area of thermal and parasitic analysis for microelectronics packaging.
  • [August 2014] Prof. Jin have visited Beijing Institute of Technology and Beijing Microelectronics Technology Institute in China, and Vishwakarma Institute of Technology and University of Pune in India for two weeks.
  • [August 2014] Prof. Jin (PI), along with Prof. Sarah Laszlo (Psychology) and Prof. Wenyao Xu (SUNY-Buffalo), is awarded an NSF SaTC grant in the total amount of $500k, entitled "Brain Password: Exploring A Psychophysiological Approach for Secure User Authentication" [NSF].
  • [May 2014] Prof. Jin, as the PI for two projects and the co-PI for one project, wins two Binghamton University Interdisciplinary Collaboration Grants (ICG) [news] and one Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence (TAE) -- Sustainable Communities grant [news].
  • [April 2014] Maria V. Ruiz Blondet, a MS student in bioengineering supervised by Prof. Jin, is granted the Katie C. Root Award for Graduate Students by the Binghamton University, for her academic excellence in studies and research.
  • [April 2014] Prof. Jin and his student, Simon Chen, will visit the AFRL again this summer to continue our collaborative research with AFRL researchers.
  • [April 2014] Binghamton University recently has won a $1.66 million grant to establish the Southern Tier Telemedicine and Mobile Health Research, Development and Training Center [news]. As part of the BU team, Prof. Jin and his Cyber-Med group will promote their existing research in telemedicine and mobile health, leveraging the cutting-edge facilities.
  • [February 2014] S3IP center is awarded a grant for Human Performance Monitor (HPM): Electronics & Sensor Platforms. As part of the BU team, Prof. Jin and his student will work on the ECG sensing and processing technologies, which can be integrated into a flexible electronic patch.
  • [January 2014] Welcome our new Ph.D. student, Borui Li.
  • [December 2013] Prof. Jin, collaborating with Prof. Sarah Laszlo (Psychology), wins a Binghamton University Health Sciences Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence (TAE) grant for their collaborative project in the area of wearable eye-controlled HCI approach for assisted living and health care.
  • [December 2013] Prof. Jin (PI) visits the Xerox Research Center Webster (XRCW) and establishes a new collaboration with XRCW in the area of mobile-cloud computing.
  • [September 2013] Welcome our new Ph.D. student, Wei Yang.
  • [April 2013] Prof. Jin receives the "Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP)" award. He will spend the 2013 summer in the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to conduct collaborative research.
  • [April 2013] Cyber-Med team spends a great time in NEBEC [Photo], in Syracuse on April 6-7.
  • [December 2012] A short paper, collaborated with Prof. Yu Chen's group, is accepted by 39th Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC).
  • [December 2012] Two papers, respectively authored by Mohammad and Radolfo, are accepted by IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB).
  • [October 2012] Prof. Jin appointed as Assistant Professor of Bioengienering (joint title), since Fall 2012.
  • [September 2012] Welcome our new member, Mavi Ruiz Blondet (a bioengineering M.S. student).
  • [September 2012] Welcome our new Ph.D. student, Xiaoliang Wang.
  • [August 2012] Zhanpeng presented our work on Smart Localization Techniques for Healthcare at the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine (EMBC), August 2012. This is part of an ongoing collaborative effort with Mohammad Pourhomayoun and Prof. Mark Fowler.
  • [April 2012] Zhanpeng attended the Binghamton Biomedical Research Conference (BBRC). The theme of this year is "New Thoughts About Causes, Prevention & Treatment of Childhood Obesity."
  • [February 2012] Zhanpeng gave a talk at CoCo Seminar.
  • [February 2012] Welcome our new Ph.D. student Qiong Gui and M.S. student Rodolfo Ledesma, who join our group in Spring 2012.
  • [December 2011] Zhanpeng presented our work on Autonomous Neural Systems at the International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT).
  • [August 2011] The Cyber-Med Lab is formally launched by Prof. Zhanpeng Jin in Fall 2011. The lab resides in the Microelectronics Core of the new Engineering & Science Building.